Terms Of Use
Use of these graphics and/or
designs indicates acceptance of the terms of use, whether
you have read them or not.
The webpage/background sets on our website are linkware, available
for personal
use for a link back to http://www.bellcrest.net..
Link back buttons are enclosed with each set. Do not change
or modify these sets other than adding text to the enclosed
blank buttons.
If you have a commercial page and/or design
pages for a fee, you should contact
me before using my sets. If you would like to have some
custom graphics made, our prices are very reasonable.
Please email me.
Feel free to take and use my PhotoImpact
Objects to create whatever you wish for your own
personal use, or to make into websets. These objects
were made with the express purpose of sharing with my PI friends.
Do not make them into tubes, or redistribute them.
My filenames and image locations will be changed frequently, so you should download the images to your hard drive and then put them on your own server. Linking directly to them should never be done and will eventually cause you to have a page with broken images!
You will find many links on our Tips & Tricks Page/Web Design Resource Page. There is information on how to download, how to FTP, as well as links to HTML and Graphics help.
If you do use my graphics, a link to my site would be appreciated and should be placed on the page(s) where the sets are displayed. You can use the coordinating buttons that come with each set, or a text link:
Graphics by
Bellcrest Web Design �
All graphics here are � copyrighted to Bellcrest Web Design. Please
do not take the graphics used on my Bellcrest Design site.
I designed them specifically for my own exclusive use.
Please do not make my graphics available for distribution
in any way, shape or form from any website or by email. If
you see something here that you like, but would like some
small changes with the graphics, (banners, customized titles,
colour, etc) contact
me and I'll be happy to do it for you for a small fee..